De Lampendriessen
Gratis reageren op kamers in Eindhoven via KamerSocial

Prijs: €870 voor 23 m2
Kamer te huur in de De Lampendriessen in Eindhoven


Please read the FULL text before writing to me:I want to sublet my studio at the Luna building (De Lampendriessen 31) for a period of around 4 months (from mid-Aug to early Dec). I found an internship and the exact start is slightly flexible. Unfortunately, you can't use this address for the municipality due to the short-term rental. You still need to be a student (exchange students are also welcome). The building is located on campus and is connected to all the TU/e buildings via indoor tunnels. There is also a nice community bar on the ground floor, a small grocery store, and indoor indoor bicycle parking. The total rent (870 euros) includes all the utilities, which is what I'm paying myself for the semi-furnished place (you can pay directly yourself). The bed size is 140*200 and there is a microwave oven included. But I leave some of my own stuff (vacuum cleaner, desktop dishwasher, some kitchen stuff, etc.). So we can discuss the details later, it depends on what you bring, I can take my stuff with me. Then, I would ask for a security deposit of 1000 euros and that will be returned to you when you move out. The viewing is possible with previous arrangements. Please contact me only if the rental period suits you and write to me with your preferred moving dates precisely.Interesse in deze woning? Ga naar en stuur een bericht naar de verhuurder of huisgenoten.


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